Travelling, a summary
Thoughts about return
For the both of us we knew this trip was not going to last forever. For others they have managed to make a travelling trip last for a few years because they are travelling journalists or they do volunteering in areas and get board and lodging. Many also couch surf to save costs. There are many ways to save and cut costs, the biggest outgoings are usually transportation and lodging. You could stay in one way for a long period of time thus cutting out transport costs. Either way it had to end because we only have a finite amount of money. Our original plan was to go to New Zealand and look for work there but more likely in Australia and then to hopefully have got sponsorship or pay up for the visa. We haven’t done this but our plan is still to go and live in New Zealand because it is a naturally beautiful place. We are returning to the UK for long-term reasons of ensuring we have money for retirement and also to fund a tour of Europe. I know we could have managed this from the other side of the world but in an age where most people work you’d be hard-pressed to find someone turning down a well paid job. The decision has been made and although not necessarily the most interesting or indeed popular decision you have to be practical about things sometimes and weigh up the pros and cons.
Returning to the UK or even starting out in New Zealand ends the trip around Asia. We haven’t finished our tour of Asia and so we have unfinished business with visits to Malaysia, Singapore and Borneo. Now is not the right time of year to visit as it is extremely hot and humid there so we want to come at a more ideal time of year probably via Japan, our favourite country of the whole trip. We also want to return to Nepal to complete Everest Basecamp and the 3 passes. Although, in my current state I have no idea how I walked over a 5416m high pass. When will we do this? We have no idea at all but I find it best to plan and set goals to keep you motivated. For me, I do not want to stay in the same place for my whole life. In today’s society and in my line of work you don’t get jobs for life anyway. Prior to travelling I always wanted to go and visit places, to explore and to see the world. This has been cemented as a result of travelling. Most places were underwhelming and better on T.V but I got to go there and decide for myself. My mantra is that we only get one shot at it and I have the gumption to create opportunities to enable me to see the world and experience other cultures and to learn about society and the people then I am going to do so. For the foreseeable time, I shall have to live my dreams via the internet as contractors don’t get holidays.
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