AnneMarie and Andrew

Annemarie and Andrew – Trekking Asia

Water While Travelling

The pricing structure for water means that the more you buy the cheaper it is per litre. Nothing new here, the majority of products are priced in a similar fashion, but for water the quantity increase measured against price increase is very steep. It may cost 20% more to get 100% more water. This is why rather than buy 500ml bottles we buy a 1L or 1.5L bottle, which costs not much more for far more water..

When staying in one place for more than a few days we buy 4L or 5L bottles of water and refill a 1.5L bottle from that.


In the Philippines the 1.5L bottle cost P50, the 4L bottle cost P90. 80% increase in price for 400% increase in quantity.

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